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The Surland is a micronation located in france. The full name is " Le Consulat du Surland " or "Consulat of Surland" ; even in english, "Consulat" is written as in french.

The motto of the Consulat of Surland is "Populi ad humanitatem" which means "for people and humanity".

The motto of the Surland official branches is "Civitas Surland" which means "the surland's gouvernment".

French and English are the official languages in Surland and the demonym is "Surlandais".  

The national animal of the Surland is the Platypus.


                                                                              The Surland is made of 5 islands along the Moselle river in the east of France 30km uth

                                                                              from the Luxembourg border.















  Government and Politics


The Consulat of Surland is organized as a consulate republic which has the same base as the French Consulate in 1799 but in a more democratic way. The government is constituted of the Concil of Consuls and the High Representative. Both have executive powers.


There are two Parlements in Surland. They are both equal and there is no upper and lower chambers. The Parlements have legislative powers. Since the 19th september 2015, the Constitution has changed, and the Consulat of Surland decided to have only one Parlement.


The most important law in the Surland is the Constitution, which organize the State and gives rights and duties to citizens and non -citizens in Surland.


  History and Culture


The Surland is a young micronation, which proclaimed its independance on the 3rd of May 2015. Surland is an open minded micronation, which supports enlightenment for culture, history, arts, researches, sciences. "Les Lumières" have a big influence on the culture of Surland (not the lightbulb but the philosophical mouvement led by Voltaire, Rousseau, Spinoza, Kant, Descartes...) and of course we are attached to the Human rights.


The Consulat of Surland has Pastafarism as State religion, but accepts all the other religions.


Nobility ( privilege nobility ) is abolished in Surland even if it's possible to have a Nobility title (but it does not give any privilege). Since the new Constitution, the Consulat has a Prince, who does not rule the Surland but who can be called on the throne if the Consulat of Surland is in political trouble.


We are the only micronation (and macronation i think) to have LHD and RHD every other days. Surlandais could not choose.


The national animal of the Surland has been chosen on the 2nd of June 2015 by the Surlandais and non-Surlandais through a universal vote, open to everyone. 


The 3rd of Febuary 2016 by referendum, the population decided to turn into a Principality. The Consulat of Surland became the Principality of Surland the 24th of March 2016


The national day is the 19th of September.


The other holidays in Surland are :

the 1st of January "le jour de l'an"

the 1st of May "la fête du travail"

the 3rd of May "le jour de la fondation"

the 2nd of June "the Platypus day"

the 30th of June "le jour du savoir"

the 19th of September "the national day "


SInce the 3rd of May 2016 the Principality of Surland is a member of the Microfrancophonie.



  The five Islands of the Surland


The Consulat of Suralnd is made of 5 little islands of the Moselle river and each has is own coat of arms.






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