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The Constitution is adopted

The Consulat of Surland yesterday to accept or no the Final version of the constitution. The all population of Surland was wating for this moment. Since the creation the 3rd of May 2015, the Consulat of Surland had only a draft of constitution.

Yesterday was held a referendum to know if Surlandais people and non citizen of Surland accepted the final draft of the Constitution.

The Results have been given at 9pm yesterday :

-77.78% for the Yes

-22.22% for the No

It's a real large victory for the Yes.

Just after the result the Council of Consul made a Declaration (that you can find on the declaration Page but only in french) to congratulate people who participated to the vote and for their choice of the Yes.

The Constitution have been ratified by the hand of the First Consul in name of the Government and the Parliament by the will of people, just after the results of the vote.

With this constitution, the Consulat of Surland stays a Republic with only one Parliament to simplify the legislative power and make the process of law making faster.

But the Constitution allows the Consulat of Surland into a Monarchy in case of politic troubles.

The Consulat of Surland becomes the first Micronation with a "sleeping crown" which means that under the Republic there is a Royal Family in Surland not-reigning, which for now doesn't have any special power. The Royal Family can be call to rule the Surland by referendum or by decision of the Council of Consuls in cases named in the Constitution.

The Constitution ratified is avaiable on the website (only in french of now)

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