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The Empire of Pavlov Problem

The Consulat of Surland has followed the last announcement of the Empire of Pavlov.

The First Consul is really shocked by the politic of the Emperor (as the empire is an absolute monarchy, everything which is decided is the will of the emperor).

The different decisions he decided bring his micronation to a Dark Age.

The Decree about gay and lesbian people which autorize to hunt down and treat them as degenerate people is awful. To decreed that Earth is a flat disc... this micronation decided to reject science and reality.

To decide that the Microfrancophie group is a terrorist group, because they don't agree with their politic, is killing culture, diplomacy and differences.

We can ask only one thing : change ! And as people say in France "le changement c'est maintenant" (change is now !). For once, this sentence is useful !

The first Consul decided to send an email earlier this afternoon, in order to force the Pavlov's government change its policy and the Emperor to abdicate. Because when someone starts to be fundamentalist and persecute people, it's time to leave the power.

For now, the Consulat of Surland did not receive any answer.

And we wish as a french-speaking micronation that they will put us on their terrorist list ; because supporting progress and peace is more important than fundamentalist views.

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